January can be a challenging month. The weather is usually pretty rubbish and we certainly won’t be getting enough Vitamin D. To be honest if I didn’t have our dogs to take out every day, twice a day, I know that I wouldn’t be walking in the freezing cold and driving rain! But I find comfort in tapping in to Nature’s remedy to combat January blues.
We have just had ‘Blue Monday’ (I don’t mean New Order’s track, for those of you around in the 80’s!) It’s the third Monday of January and thought to be the most depressing day of the year. This is a big statement! When reading about this it struck me that these suggested days are a strange thing. Personally I found the run up the the full moon in the first week of January the most challenging, and actually yesterday, apart from the usual level of procrastination on a Monday, I felt good actually.
I have found myself reaching for the flower essences a little more than usual, and here in our house we have A level mocks looming along with auditions for Universities, so it’s a stressful time, but as I keep reminding us all, it’s momentary, and will pass.
I also chose not to set New Year’s Resolutions this year, and didn’t get involved with any social media posts on this topic either. I know that for myself and some friends the idea of setting yet more goals that I may not reach was just too overwhelming. I preferred to keep going as I am, tuning in to what’s needing to be done in order to take me to the next step, and just be kind to myself. The motto I am adopting this year is “Without pressure”. Please will someone remind me of this later in the year when I am setting my standards too high as usual, and berating myself when I don’t reach them!!! Anyone else resonate on that?
So we have all chosen a combination flower essence blend to support us all through this month. Mine is Tranquility, Peace, Joy, Clarity, Release and Wisdom. I have prepared the blend and am taking it three to four times a day. I am checking in daily with dowsing to see if I need to add anything else, and at the moment this is good for me.
Tranquility for stress and anxiety
Peace for the overwhelm
Joy for feelings of sadness and low mood
Clarity for the busy brain (I certainly need that one!)
Release for the self imposed obstacles, I can’t, I’m not good enough etc
Wisdom to connect into our own deep inner wisdom, that which we already know but might not be listening to.
If you would like me to dowse for you to see what essences you need please do email through the contact page.