Natures Wish Magazine

How stress affects your nervous system and which flower essence to take to give yourself support.

It’s exam time here in the UK, which flower essence to choose? For some it’s GSCE’s and for our household it’s A levels. And the stress levels are high and the essences are certainly being put to the test!Stress as we know, in small and manageable amounts can be good. [...]

How to beat the January blues with Nature’s remedy.

  January can be a challenging month. The weather is usually pretty rubbish and we certainly won’t be getting enough Vitamin D. To be honest if I didn’t have our dogs to take out every day, twice a day, I know that I wouldn’t be walking in the freezing cold [...]

Smiling really is good for us!

I am sat here at my computer debating whether to write a newsletter. It’s been a while since I wrote one. I decided to have the summer off from social media and newsletters etc, like most people I needed some downtime. However, my summer seems to have elongated itself into [...]